Portugalsko 2013

Posted by madmin

ORBI PONTES uskutečnilo svůj první zahraniční projekt ve spolupráci s portugalskou organizací DESINCOOP v dubnu 2013. Evropský výměnný pobyt mládeže byl zaměřen na překonávání kulturních a komunikačních bariér při sportu a společných hrách. Projektu se zúčastnilo 35 mladých lidí ze 7 zemí, s ORBI PONTES vyjeli 4 neslyšící.

Reportáž odvysílanou v portugalské TV pro neslyšící lze shlédnout ZDE

Reportáž v českých zprávách pro neslyšící ZDE

Video z celého týdne a jednotlivých aktivit ZDEAugust, 2013

Video from the Portugues BABI project HERE

May 2, 2013

BE ACTIVE, BE INCLUSIVE – Guimaraes, Portugal – 22.-29.4.2013

So we are back from Portugal and we are full of experience. Different sports and games led to find ways of cooperation, communication, overcome differencies and also just to feel simple joy of being together. Because of that lots of participants did not even want to leave as their mutual friendship made during that week was so much alive.

Most of participants were hearing only in Polish team (2) and our Czech team (4) were people with different hearing impairment. For those who could hear it was often the first experience with deaf persons. That´s why straight at the beginning we learnt the international alphabets and also gave to each other signs instead of our names. After four days all participants used to their bodies, hands and face to communicate and not only with the deaf but also with those who could hear:-) Czech team: Honza, Martin, Gabriela and Karolína became to participants first guides to the world of people with hearing impairment.

We really enjoed this project and we believe that we´ll do such a good project in the future too. Thank you to the Portuguese team for great organisation and also for the invitation to their project. We are looking forward meeting all in Praga!


January, 2013

We are a partner of the project BE ACTIVE, BE INCLUSIVE organized by Portuguese organization  DESINCOOP – Desenvolvimento Económico, Social e Cultural CRL

Orbi Pontes is a partner of a new Youth in Action project. A Youth Exchange called „Be Active, Be Inclusive“ will take place in Portuguese Guimaraes European City of Sport 2013 in 22-29 April. The project, organised by NGO Desincoop, promotes inclusion, communication and relations among young European citizens through sports. 35 participants between 18 – 25 years will come from Portugal, Czech Republic, Estonia, Italy, Romania, Poland and Turkey.

We are 5 participants coming from the Czech Republic and we are looking forward to meeting old friends, making new friends and also getting new experience.