Zahraniční spolupráce

Posted by madmin

Cestování a poznávání nových lidí ze zahraničí rozšiřuje obzory, nabízí v životě nové příležitosti. Proto spolupracujeme se zahraničními partnery a chceme tyto příležitosti nabízet osobám se sluchovým postižením.

Od r. 2011 spolupracujeme s organizacemi:

DESINCOOP – Desenvolvimento Económico, Social e Cultural CRL (Portugalsko)

ECHO – Polska Fundacja Pomocy Dzieciom Niedoslyszacym (Polsko)

W.I.P. – Work in Progress (Itálie)

International Study Programs s.r.o. (ČR)Travelling abroad, getting to know new people and cultures broaden one´s  horizons, give new life opportunities. That´s why we cooperate with foreigner partners as we could give such opportunities to persons with hearing impairments.

From 2011 we have been cooperating with:

Portugal NGO DESINCOOP – Desenvolvimento Económico, Social e Cultural CRL

Polish NGO ECHO – Polska Fundacja Pomocy Dzieciom Niedoslyszacym.

Italian NGO W.I.P. – Work in Progress

Czech company International Study Programs s.r.o.




In March our colleague Jana left for an  International seminar in Luxembourgh . A six-day seminar was a part of the EU project which aim is to make adult learners reflect about what European citizenship is, and to encourage them to be active and participative through non formal education.

Jana says: „We got to know more about each other and our countries and their cultures. I found very interesting the visit of an Information Centre in Luxembourg and a non-formal discussion with imigrants from Montenegro who have been living in Luxembourg for a long time, having there their cultural association as the other nationalities.“

The project „Let´s build Europe together“ is a long-term project financed by the EU programme Grundtvig between partner organizations from eight countries (United Kingdom, Luxembourg, France, Italy, Czech Republic, Estonia, Turkey, Slovenia). The Czech Republic is represented in this project by The project consists of several international meetings in partner countries. Participants must be older than 18 years, priority is given to adult learners older than 30 years.

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